Stefan Ram
2023-06-24 20:37:05 UTC
To better understand symmetries, I have a few questions, but for
simplicity's sake I'll start with one:
Let a hypothetical one-dimensional world consist of a ray with
values x>=0. This world is completely empty except for a mass
point with unit mass 1 at x=1. This is described by a "mass
density" R(x), which is zero everywhere except for R(1)=1.
Now a scientist comes along and says: I formally extend this world
to a two-dimensional world with the coordinates (x,y). The mass
density R(x,y):=R(x) is everywhere equal to 0, except for a mass in
the form of a straight line {(1,y)|yeR}. This world is invariant with
respect to y. A translation y'=y+y0 results in the same world again.
So, there is a preserved quantity, which I call the "y-momentum".
Now, there are two reactions: One praises the "deep result". Others
say that y is just a "redundant, unphysical coordinate" that has
no meaning at all, and that the result is completely irrelevant.
So, is the y-invariance of the two-dimensional world irrelevant
or meaningful? Why?
[[Mod. note -- In order to have unit mass, doesn't your mass density
need to be a Dirac delta-function? -- jt]]
simplicity's sake I'll start with one:
Let a hypothetical one-dimensional world consist of a ray with
values x>=0. This world is completely empty except for a mass
point with unit mass 1 at x=1. This is described by a "mass
density" R(x), which is zero everywhere except for R(1)=1.
Now a scientist comes along and says: I formally extend this world
to a two-dimensional world with the coordinates (x,y). The mass
density R(x,y):=R(x) is everywhere equal to 0, except for a mass in
the form of a straight line {(1,y)|yeR}. This world is invariant with
respect to y. A translation y'=y+y0 results in the same world again.
So, there is a preserved quantity, which I call the "y-momentum".
Now, there are two reactions: One praises the "deep result". Others
say that y is just a "redundant, unphysical coordinate" that has
no meaning at all, and that the result is completely irrelevant.
So, is the y-invariance of the two-dimensional world irrelevant
or meaningful? Why?
[[Mod. note -- In order to have unit mass, doesn't your mass density
need to be a Dirac delta-function? -- jt]]