Am 07.12.2016 um 07:41 schrieb Kerry Soileau:
> If the negative charge on a sphere in a vacuum is increased
> sufficiently, do electrons begin to escape from the sphere into
> vacuum? If so, is the physics similar to that of the photoelectric
> effect work function concept?
> Thanks for any references/insight on this question.
> [[Mod. note -- I think the answers to your questions are "yes" and
> "yes". More detailed discussions from the newsgroup would be welcome.
> -- jt]]
This is a nice question, its complete anwser filling a monograph.
Sloterdijk, a German philosopher and TV-host has written a trilogy of spheres.
1. A charged sphere is the boundary of a conducting ball.
2. Classically the charged conducting ball has its non compensated
negative charge concentrated on its 2-d surface sphere.
The D-field strength there is the charge density by definition givrn in
As/m^2. The E-field strength is E=D/esps0 = Q/(4 pi eps0 r^2) in V/m.
3. A single classical pointlike electron will leave the charged sphere
if the local radial energy difference q E.dr over the radial extension
dr of the quantum surface states is larger than the negativ binding
energy in surface states of the conduction band.
4. An educated guess for the magnitudes of ionisation energies in an
external field of solid state conduction band electrons is 1eV binding
energy and some lattice constants of radial conduction band surface
states extension. This is a rather natural assumption, because the
electric outer E-field is damped exponentially in the forbidden inner of
the ball exactly by an expoential decaying charge density (div D=rho).
5. For a mathematically ideal smooth sphere, an ionisation field
strength of 1 V/nm gives a charge of Q= 4 pi eps0 r^2 *1 V/nm
with a value
of ~ 10^-12 As/Vm
Q = 4 pi 10^-12 As/Vm r^2 *10^9 V/m = 10^-2 As/m^2 r^2
This estimate yields a bound of 100 As on an ideal sphere of radius 1 cm
and 1 As for 1 mm.
6. A polished sphere, optically ideal reflecting, has irregularities of
- lets say - surface curvature radius less than a wave length of visible
light: 400 nm=10^-9m. The Laplace equation for the outer field demands
that the charge is concentrated in such eminent edges with a spraying
field strength of D. The ionisaton charge in a real experiment depends
on the smoothness alone.
7. The description outlined here is a first approximation to quantum
thermo-electrodynamics. It involves filling the conduction surface band
with surface one-particle free states for a fermionic plasma gas
observing the Pauli principle, temperature dependence of mixed states in
quantum statistics and vacuum-surface effect of field modes known under
the name Casimir effect.
8. The physicists in the lab trivially observe an electronic atmosphere
of free electrons of some nonzero temperature around any charged or non
charged sphere. It is desribed by the term "surface bindÃng energy" and
appears as the characteristic energy step in the barometric formula fo
the exponentially decaying radial density.
The thermodynamic equilibrium principle as well as the quantum principle
of minimal kinetic energy, expressed by the minimalization of variation
of density in quantum mechanics, demands that no possibly reachable
volume element of space has a zero expectation to catch a free electron
there. See "tunnel effect" for the extension of states into
energetically forbidden areas.
9. An isolated neutral sphere emits or absorbes a certain amount of
extra charges from the environment in order to minmize its total inner
and outer electric field energy. And additionally this amount is a
volatile quantity. And the eletron field state is fluctuating too, the
deeper reason for the Casimir effect, that may be expressed by squares
of fluctuations of the quantized external electric field modes, that
whose individual shape and energy encode strongly the geometry of the
conducting boundaries.
Roland Franzius