Post by r***
...Unless .... and this is anathema to all bona fide=20
physicists, but I am currently wondering if time for an antiparticle is
travelling backwards, as nominally shown in a Feynmann diagram. So a Bell
test starts at say Alice's measurement and ends at Bob's measurement. Or
vice versa. ...
This would not be relativisticly consistent. That is, if we are to say
that \the causal chain starts with Alice's measurement which eventually
causes Bob's, then to be consistent with the relativity principle there
must not be any observer who sees Bob's measurement happening first,
thus "causing" Alice's result. It has been demonstrated that entangled
correlation does occur between two spatially separated events (i.e.
Alice's and Bob's measurements) and so there would be observers who can
see either Alice's or Bob's measurement happening first. If causality
is to have meaning we can't accept this.
If an observer saw Alice's measurement for the positron travelling backwards
in time to the Source, then that observation/measurement would render the
pair of particles to be no longer entangled, and so not a pair entitled to
be in a Bell experiment. I admit that I either do not understand 'weak
measurement' or believe it to be a measurement which is not provable to be
on a single particle. A non-weak measurement to me is one which changes
the spin sign of a particle.
Post by r***@gmail.comIf you only allow forward causality (i.e. the result of a measurement
only depends on events within its past light cone), then the moment of
emission of the entangled particles is the only time common to both
Alice and Bob. This requires hidden variables (as you are trying to make
sense of). The Bell Inequality applied to such experiments, however,
proves that the results of the measurements at Alice and Bob cannot be
solely determined by a local hidden variable on the particle. The
statistics are wrong and the inequality is violated.
Causality? Knowing Alice's measurement, even in a time reversal setting for
Alice, does not imply that we know what Bob's measurement will be. In the
analysis of the results after the experiment, the measurements are inputted
into a 2x2 table and that associates A and B measurements post-experiment.
Knowing what the row (A value) is for a particle pair gives no information
on what the column (B value) is. Well, we could maliciously somehow ensure
that Bob's measurement is fixed once we know the A result. But I do not
know how to do that with an HV formula. At least not a formula that would
withstand scrutiny for fairness by independent scrutineers.
Post by r***@gmail.comThe solution I subscribe to is retro causality. That is, the particle
is not emitted until its destination is determined and is consistent
with the constraints of polarization/spin/etc. This requires some sort
of communication cannot be used to communicate information beyond the
fact that out there, from the future, hence the term "retro causality".
This communication somewhere, is something that can accept the
photon/particle w/spin.
Yes, I agree, and this is what I meant by time reversal not helping at first
Superdeterminism as I understand it uses forward causality, as does
determinism. IMO it relies on the future eventually becoming what it will
be, and that will not correspond to countless particles available in all
places and HV vector directions. But that seems to me to lead to failing to
break the inequalities just as often as breaking them. In a similar way,
deliberately having missing data in the data sets can lead to breaking
inequalities, or not, depending on the bias introduced in the snipping of
the data.
I am not sure about retro-causality as you describe it. It seems to imply
information of some kind is travelling backwards in time. It also at first
glance seems to suffer from the same problem that IMO superdeterminism
suffers from. That is why should the particular measurement break the
My idea has IMO the advantage that the whole stream of antiparticles in a
Bell experiment has its distributions of HVs moulded by Alice and those are
passed on to particles beamed at Bob. This means that there is no point in
making a simulation with say 1 million pairs (as I often have done) with HVs
random on a sphere. As the HVs in my time-reversed scenario are not random.
I do not yet know why the moulding of the HVs for Bob does break the
inequalities. But it seems to me that superdeterminism has no mechanism for
breaking the inequalities except by chance outcomes.
Post by r***@gmail.comThis is a somewhat controversial idea. I'm not sure how many mainstream
physicists subscribe to this, but it is discussed by serious physicists.
BTW, I too abhor the idea of the multiverse. The number of entire
universes spawned every instant is unimaginable, and I think fails the
Occam's Razor test.
Rich L.