Post by Sylvia ElseNo. Entropy is not similar to energy. Rather it is a measure of the
disorder in a system. It's not something that can be extracted and sent
Entropy is an extensive property of a system, similar to
momentum. As such, it /can/ be exchanged. A change dS of
entropy S is connected with a change T dS of heat energy,
where T is the temperature of the system. When entropy dS
is leaving a system, it has to go somewhere (into another
system). That's pretty much "extracted and sent elsewhere".
Such an exchanged is caused by a difference in temperature
at the boundary of two systems. The entropy will move from
the system with the higher temperature to the system with
the lower temperature.
Unlike for momentum, there is only half a conservation law
for entropy. While entropy cannot be reduced in a closed
system, it /can/ be created. When entropy is exchanged,
in the process, there might be additional entropy created.
When the temperature difference between two systems is
smaller, there is less entropy created in the exchange.